TNT Call Promos: Complete List of Talk N Text Call and Text Promo 2013-2014

The complete list of TNT promo code for call and text promo. I think this is the easy and the best way for all TNT users to find or looking the TNT promo. Good for all the TNT users. All of this promo that are listed below are working 100% and ready to serve you. Stay connected to your friends and love ones all over the day.

The TNT promos that are listed below are almost done trying of mine and I compile it for the benefits for everybody. Let's share with this to our friends and relatives for them to try. Below are the registration code and the package benefits after successful registration.

*STOK15 to 4545
{2 Days 20 Minutes Call to TNT/Smart users}

*STOK30 to 4545
{45 Minutes Call to TNT/Smart, valid for 4 days}

*AP20 to 4545
{1 Day Unlimited text to all network and Unlimited call to TNT}

*KT25 to 4545
{1 Day Unli call to TNT Plus Unlimited text to TNT/Smart}

*U30 to 4545
{Unlimited text plus 15 minutes Call to TNT/Smart user, valid for 3 days}

*T20 to 4547
{Unli-calls to TNT/Smart (10 P.M. - 5 P.M.) Plus Unli-text to TNT/Smart for 1 day}

*GA15 to 4545
{150 Text to all networks plus 15 mins call to TNT/Smart, valid for 1 day}

*GA20 to 4545
{1 day, 200 Text to all Networks plus 20 minutes call to TNT/Smart}

*GA30 to 4545
{2 days, 300 Text to all Networks + 30 minutes call to TNT/Smart}

*GA55 to 4545
{3 days, 550 Text to all Networks plus 55 minutes call to TNT/Smart}

*GA99 to 4545
{7 days, 990 text to all networks + 80 minutes Call to TNT/Smart}

*GU15 to 4545
{1 Day Unlitext to TNT/Smart plus 15 minutes call to TNT/Smart}

*GU30 to 4545
{2 days Unli-text to TNT/Smart plus 30 minutes call to TNT/Smart}

*GU55 to 4545
{3 days Unli-text to TNT/Smart + 60 minutes call to TNT/Smart}

*TOT10 to 4545
{.50 call plus text to TNT/Smart, Valid for 1 day}

*TOT20 to 4545
{.50 call plus text to TNT/Smart, Valid for 1 day}

*TOT30 to 4545
{.50 call plus text to TNT/Smart, Valid for 2 days}

Only maintain P1 in your account to continue using the until expiry. Be sure that you type the correct registration code to avoid addition charges. You can also visit TNT Promos blog if you are interested. Let's have fun and enjoy!

TNT Call Promos: Complete List of Talk N Text Call and Text Promo 2013-2014 TNT Call Promos: Complete List of Talk N Text Call and Text Promo 2013-2014 Reviewed by rrl on 03:21 Rating: 5
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